服薬指導の内容を構造的に理解する をやっていきたいと思います。
- 薬の基本的な情報 (General Information)
- 副作用 (Side Effects)
- 相互作用 (Drug Interactions)
- セルフモニタリング (Self Monitoring, what to expect and when)
- 非薬物療法 (Non-pharmacologic Therapy)

So you’ve been prescribed a Crestor 10mg at bedtime.
The chemical name for Crestor is Rosuvastatin and the doctor like I mentioned has suggested taking it at bedtime so it’s one tablet before going to bed. You can take it with or without food. It doesn’t matter. (薬の基本情報:クレストールの名前、成分、用法用量など)
However, sometimes it can cause a bit of an upset stomach so if that happens you can take it after taking some food. (副作用: 胃の不快感が起こる可能性、予防方法)
When you were taking the Lipitor if you remember there was a restriction on grapefruit juice because there was an interaction with grapefruit juice. That’s not the case with Crestor. So just you know you can take it with or without grapefruit juice.(相互作用:グレープフルーツとの相互作用)
And some other things in terms of side effects so I know you had muscle pain with the Lipitor. Generally, patients who had muscle pain with Lipitor do a lot better when switch to a different medication in same class. Crestor should be okay.(副作用:筋肉痛が起こったことにクレストールの変更)
But, unfortunately, there’s still a small chance that it can still cause muscle pain so if that happens I would suggest that you contact your doctor as soon as you can . There’s also a very rare but important side effects that it can severely affect your muscles in which case you may have dark or dark brown pee when you go to the washroom so if that happens I would advise you to call your doctor immediately.(副作用:横紋筋融解症の初期症状とその時の対応)
And like I mentioned these are rare side effects but it’s just important for me to mention for you. Because it’s the first time that you take Crestor, there’s always a small risk that might be allergy. It is not common. but just in case it happens, make sure to watch out for anything after the first dose. And you can either call us or call your doctor.(副作用:初回投与時に起こる可能性のあるアレルギー症状)
And then you mentioned you were taking the Maalox 3 or 4 times per week. And so there’s actually an interaction with Maalox and Crestor at the way it’s absorbed. So it’s still okay for you to take the Maalox. It’s just important to space it out from when you take compared to the Crestor.(相互作用:酸中和剤との相互作用、その対応について)
There is also some lifestyle changes that you can make that help make improvements in your cholesterol levels. You mentioned that you don’t exercise that much. So exercise can be a key component in improving your cholesterol so if you can maybe try adding in 20 to 30 minutes of exercise if you times per week to start off with. and then also diet is very key so in terms of diet I can actually refer you to a dietician and you can speak in further detail about ways to optimize your cholesterol levels. Is that okay?(非薬物療法: コレステロールを下げるための食事・運動療法について)
If it’s ok with you I’d like to maybe give you a call in a few days just to see how you’re doing that you’re not having any more muscle pain and then we can speak in about a month time as well to see if there’s been any improvement in your blood work.(セルフモニタリング:効果と副作用について)